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LGBT Open Forum


The Forum:

Date: 20th Nov 2014 (Thurs)

Time: 7pm - 10pm

Cost: $120 




The world is not divided into sheeps and goats. Not all things are black nor all things white.

It is a fundamental of taxonomy that nature rarely deals with discrete categories.

Only the human mind invents categories and tries to force facts into separated pigeon-holes.

The living world is a continuum in each and every one of its aspects.

The sooner we learn this concerning sexual behavior the sooner we shall reach a sound understanding of the realities of sex.


                                                                                -  Alfred Kinsey

Every group has its own consensus reality that it identifies itself with, this includes the group culture, name, values, what is agreed upon as acceptable and what is not acceptable.  Subsequently, whatever that is not recognized by the group as 'us' becomes marginalized, and falls into the group's unawareness. Socially, this can be seen as the majority, or those with power, or rank, determining what is 'normal'. Anyone that doesn't fit into the normal range of what is accepted becomes marginalized or oppressed. Overtime, this marginalization and oppression build up tension and erupt into many social issues and challenges that we see and might even experience personally, for example sexism, sexual orientation, racism; just some of the many different iterations of minority versus majority, those in power and rank versus those with less power and rank. These describe many of the social issues that have plague humankind up till now.





A legit relationship is a relationship that involves a male and a female. For the many centuries have passed, this has always been the norm, hence, the majority.  Whereas, a same sex relationship has been viewed as out of the norm, hence, the minority.


We, as a society, have a tendency to majority and sometimes forget about the minority. Unknowingly, we marginalized the minority and cause unnecessary misunderstanding and unhappiness among human beings.  Perhaps we should consider that might be unsaid perspective, unveiled wisdom among the minority that we are dismissing. Hence, we are taking this opportunity to hear and collect the wisdom of the unheard.





Being in a typical Asian country like Singapore, the topic of LGBT has been a hush hush for many decades until the recent years when "Pink Dot" made its debut and created more awareness about the topic. LGBT Open Forum is an empowering space especially for the topic of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders (LGBT) to be discussed with the guidance of world-renowned conflict resolution facilitator, Dr. Gary Reiss.  However, burden of history cannot be unloaded overnight. In this Open Forum, we would like to achieve more understanding and appreciation of the viewpoints from the participants as a start to move this boulder that has kept our society stuck for the decades before. 





One principle of this forum is Deep Democracy (based on Worldwork) – Arny website. An Open Forum creates a safe space that enables dialogue and exchanges between the parts in conflicts, that supports the multitude of voices be heard. This allows the deeply oppressed and marginalized, thoughts attitudes and feelings to emerge, we can finally process and burn the grits that kept the conflict stuck, and move towards a more forwarding relationship dynamics. 





  • Experience the creation of a safe space for the deeply suppressed voices to be heard

  • Discover the buried wisdoms inside you

  • Be part of the creation of a forwarding relational dynamic regardless of your sexuality

  • Sort out your internal conflict or issue that you have regarding to this topic. 





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